Lucid Charts

  • Work with Text Whether you’re diagramming your words or using words to explain your diagram, Lucidchart makes it easy for you to add and edit text. Read on to learn how to add text to different parts of your diagram, edit the text’s appearance and layout, and upload custom fonts to the editor.
  • Lucidchart is a visual workspace that combines diagramming, data visualization, and collaboration to accelerate understanding and drive innovation. With this intuitive, cloud-based solution.
  • Get Started with Lucidchart. Using Lucidchart.

Lucidchart Free Version

Virtualization for Chromebooks‎ > ‎Live Hangout Schedule‎ > ‎

Overview of Lucid Chart

Lucid Chart is a free, online program that can be used to create graphic organizers, mind maps, concept webs, Venn Diagrams, and such. You can also share your diagrams with others as view only, or as templates, or with edit rights for live collaboration. Lucid Chart even integrates with Google Apps so you can use a GAFE account and store diagrams in your Google Drive. In this session we will cover how to use the program and look at many practical educational uses for students in the classroom.

Resources for this session can be found at:
Archived Video

Presenter Information
Eric Curts is the Technology Director for North Canton City Schools in North Canton, Ohio, and he is the creator and maintainer of (connecting and assisting schools with Google Apps). He is a Google Apps Certified Trainer and a Google Certified Teacher. He also co-hosts the ed-tech podcast “The State of Tech” at He is married and has four kids from kindergarten to college.
  • Twitter: @ericcurts
Hangout information
  • Monday, November 12, 7pm Eastern
  • Occurring live on Eric's Google+ Page
  • Hashtag #lucidchart
To view the live video session, simply go to Eric's Google+ page at on the date and time of the presentation.
You DO NOT have to have a Google+ account to view the live video session. You will be able to view the live video, but will not be able to leave comments.
How to Participate
An unlimited number of participants can watch the session live via the Hangout On Air. However, if you would like to join Eric and be part of the session Hangout, please post a comment on the event at explaining why you would like to be in the session Hangout. (up to 9 spots available)
How to Sign Up
Although there is no requirement to sign up to view the video session, if you have a Google+ account you can sign up for the event so that it will be added to your calendar and you will get helpful reminders. You can sign up for the event here:

Lucid Charts Student

Mixtape for mac. Lucidspark is a virtual whiteboard where teams can come together to bring their best ideas to life. Previously we covered Gliffy, which is a platform for creating a wide range of diagrams and models. Battletoads and double dragon for mac. While Gliffy is a paid service there are also a number of similar web services that offer free.