Install Vim Macos

Vim on mac

Python is very popular programming and scripting language. It provides useful modules and libraries but also there is a lot of popular 3rd party library. Pip is the command and tools used to install, update and remove 3rd party packages. In this tutorial, we will learn how to install pip and some useful information.

Check and Display Python Version


Before installing the pip we have to be sure that Python is installed. Also, the version of the Python is important because pip will be installed according to this Python version.

DinVim - Vim for macOS. DinVim is a version of Vim text editor for macOS available in the Mac App Store. It is safe and secure working in the macOS sandbox environment. DinVim aims to provide true macOS experience for Vim users. The software is available for download using the following buttons: View on the App Store. How to install the software? First, install it. On your Mac, you can use Homebrew: $ brew install tmux. Ubuntu or Debian users can user apt-get: $ sudo apt-get install tmux. Now, colors are also an issue when running Vim within Tmux. Create or edit the file /.tmux.conf: $ vim /.tmux.conf set -g default-terminal 'screen-256color' Now we're ready. Compile Vim via MacPorts. Macports provides currently a more granular installation approach for vim than homebrew: It offers the feature variants tiny, small, big, and huge. You can add specifically the interfaces for ruby, perl, lua, python. For all variants see

We can see that both PYthon2 and PYthon3 is installed. So we can use installation commands for both Python2 and Python3. The python2 version is Python2.7.16 and Python3 version is Python3.6.8 .

Install Pip with easy_install On MacOS

easy_install is a Python module bundled with setuptools which gives us the ability to download, build, install, and manage Python packages. Before pip easy_install was the standard package manager for the Python. We can install pip with the easy_install command like below.

If the pip is already installed we can also upgrade the existing pip installation with the easy_install like below. We will use the pip command because it installed already and provide the --upgrade option with the package name which is also pip.

Install Pip with On MacOS

Install Vim Mac Brew

Install Vim Macos is another way to install pip in MacOS. is a Python script that will simply download and install the Pip package for Python. First, we will download the script with the curl command. We will provide the URL with the -o option where we will set the name of the downloaded file name.


AND then we will call the with the Python interpreter. This will run the file Python codes which will simply install the pip for the macOS or OS X.

Install Pip with brew On MacOS

Homebrew is the package management tool for the macOS. We can use Homebrew in order to install Python and pip. pip is provided with the python package. We will use brew command with the install command like below.

If there are problems related to the pip usage we may need to relink the python with the following command.

Check and Display Pip Version

We can check installed pip version with the -V or --version option like below.

We can see that Python2 pip version is pip 9.0.1 and Python3 pip version is pip 9.0.1 . They are the same version for both Python2 and Python3. This is because to prevent version conflicts and synchronize the feature development of the pip command for both Python versions.

DinVim is a version of Vim text editor for macOS available in the Mac App Store.It is safe and secure working in the macOS sandbox environment.DinVim aims to provide true macOS experience for Vim users.

The software is available for download using the following buttons:

View on the App Store

How to install the software?


Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite or a newer macOS.

App Store version instructions

  1. Download on the App Store or search “DinVim” in the App Store Mac app.
  2. Click on a button with the price and follow instructions.
  3. Open DinVim from the Applications directory.

Beta version instructions

  1. Open Downloads directory in Finder.
  2. Double-click the file to decompress it if needed.
  3. Move the to the Applications directory.
  4. Open DinVim from the Applications directory.
  5. Confirm that you want to “Open” a downloaded application.Use right mouse click + “Open” in case of problems.

Vim text editor

Vim is a programmable text editor for the terminal.Because of its small size, fast startup time and portability,it has become a de facto standard terminal text editorfor many Linux distributions as well as macOS.A command line version of Vim for macOS is builtin into the OS distribution.For example git on macOS uses Vim by default to prompt for writing a commit message.Vim has a long history since 1990-s and a well-established fan base.It is known for stability, high backwards compatibility and ubiquity.Vim is highly customizable and extensible.


Vim Download Mac

Vim was historically a Unix terminal text editor without any graphical UI.Neovim is a software that makes possible embedding the Vim text editor engineas a part of a UI application,and provides connectivity between the UI and the Vim engine.Neovim brings modernization and improvements to the Vim extensibility side.DinVim uses Neovim to wrap the Vim engine into a native Vim for macOS application.