Wordpress Booking

WordpressWordpress booking engine

Appointment booking plugins for WordPress that simplify online scheduling of your products and services. Accept payments with WooCommerce, automate your workflow and reduce no-shows with customer reminders. Trusted by thousands of businesses all around the world. Join them and start accepting appointments on your own site.

  1. A WordPress booking plugin is more than just a calendar. It’s an advanced scheduling and data management system that lets your guests make their own appointments and provide all the necessary details for you to complete your services without disrupting your busy day.
  2. Example website of a private clinic, where a visitor can read about provided medical procedures and services, and schedule an appointment.

Appointments for WooCommerce

As a free option, Booking Calendar is a dynamic plugin that helps you manage your booking needs right from your WordPress dashboard. Booking Calendar is a solid booking choice if you’re in the hotel and lodging industry, event scheduling, equipment rental, and really any other service-based business that works through reservations.


Simply the most complete appointment booking plugin on the market. Have perfectly scheduled calendar and reduce no-shows with advanced notifications and reminders. Offer free appointments, accept cash on delivery or receive payments with any online payment gateway (including local).

Availability Rules

Wordpress Booking Platform

Set availability for each calendar date, day or hour. Set breaks for any date or time. Apply globally, for product or staff.

Pricing Rules

Set custom pricing rules that for any day, hour or combination of both. Also set pricing that is different for each staff.

Capacity Rules

Increase or decrease available places for particular appointment slots. Accept more customers, when you can.

Google Calendar Sync

Wordpress Booking Widget

Connect appointments with Google Calendar. Synchronization works 2-ways, so appointments are always up-to-date.