Unity Look At

Thank you for helping us improve the quality of Unity Documentation. Although we cannot accept all submissions, we do read each suggested change from our users and will make updates where applicable. Submission failed. For some reason your suggested change could not be submitted. Please try again in a few minutes. Unity look at cursor in 2d. Git desktop for mac. Ask Question Asked 3 years, 8 months ago. Active 1 year, 4 months ago. Viewed 3k times 1. I'm creating 2D game in Unity 3D, but I have problem with my player rotation. It should rotate to the cursor, but when I start the game, its looking at Main camera. This is a top down game and of course the look at function doesn't help because it thinks im making a 3d game. I have tried a lot of stuff online but it always results in my objects spinning helplessly out of control looking like they are rotating on some world cords or something. Unity 4.5.5 SOLVED.

Author: Jake Bayer (BakuJake14)


C# version of the SmoothLookAt script that comes with Unity. Like the JS version, it locks on to a target and looks at the target while in a fixed position. Useful for indoor scenes.


Works the same way as the JS version. Attach the script below to a camera and drag an object into the Target slot. If Smooth is turned on, the camera will dampen its transform (handled by the private variable _myTransform) as well as look at the target. Otherwise, it will just look at the target. The public variable MinDistance handles how far the camera should be from the Target. Use Damping to control the camera's movement.

Note: The lines of code concerning colors and and the Start function are not needed, so they have been commented out.


Retrieved from 'http://wiki.unity3d.com/index.php?title=SmoothLookAt_CS&oldid=15926'

This should be -- and I hope it will be -- a moment of national unity. The multi-racial jury of average citizens quickly came to the conclusion that this kind of behavior will no longer go unseen and unpunished in America. And that is a good thing for all of us. Amen.

All for Unity on Twitter

Bruce Halliday ()

Which mac is best for me. If you liked All for Unity’s party political broadcast please take a look at our manifesto

Tom ()

@thehill Oh I’m sure with what happened in Minneapolis last time a criminal high on fentanyl resisted arrest and all those blm liberals crying for unity it never even crossed their in he better b found guilty or else confrontation lynching threat n u got no fear at

Eremos, a center of contemplative life ()
Unity Look At

We Honor Her - May we be united in our celebration of Mother Earth.And may this unity spill out into a willingness to do what we can to care for her and all her inhabitants with loving kindness.

Unity Camera Look At

Buzzweiser ()

So much for Unity. “Decenter” - the assumption that all white people are all about themselves.

St. John Neumann ()

Blessed Maria Gabriella Sagheddu, you gave your whole self to Jesus so that Christians would find peace and unity. Please pray for me that I will offer all that I am to Jesus. #saintoftheday

Unity Look At Angle

Paul McLafferty ()

ALL FOR UNITY party political broadcast on BBC1 tonight - please take a look!

Dr McCall Civil Liberties Spokesp. @All for Unity ()

Corsair vengeance for mac. Vote ALL FOR UNITY orange ballot to bring back Civil Liberties to Scotland

Gordon:Covid grapher, data hunter-gatherer ()

Just watched the All for Unity party political broadcast @georgegalloway appears to have moved to Stoneybridge. Or maybe he just admires their accent.

Khaleel Mohammed ()

6th May - orange ballot paper All For UnityAll 4 Unity - no to separatism@Alliance4Unity @georgegalloway #PuttingGlasgowFirst

My name is a killing word! Proletariat Who ()

He is even calling for unity between the Left (primarily Communists), the Right (primarily Fascists) and anyone that is anti Liberalism. Fuck that shit if we are going to be anti Liberalism then we shall also take down fascism and all other right wing ideologies alongside too.

ً ()

we can’t reach our goals bc we’re lack of unity so if you’re engene and u reading this u can’t be just chill all the time and wait for the result to celebrate

Brian Mcskimming ()

@georgegalloway My orange ballot paper already returned with my X in the All For Unity box. Good luck on 6th May

Stronger Together 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇬🇧 ()

I think the Alba Party almost got beaten in the contest of worst PPB this year. 👇

Shar ()

@fordnation @francoislegault Mr Ford tku for acknowledging mistakes and so many world leaders have this should be all parties working TOGETHER not once has the others said how can we help or idea it’s not a election time for unity to save lives 🇨🇦

Blondiesup ()

I loved the guy with the ginger beard on the All for Unity political pb. I’d love to see him in Holyrood - no holding back, no fear, no shillyshallying no letting Sturgeon make a fool of him. Roll on the new parliament. The fewer sheep the better!

Hedges Hairband ()

That All For Unity Party are a right unkept, dishevelled looking group of tramps. Interesting that Galloway refers to the SNP as losers .. only losers go into an election with no intention of winning. Losers don’t go into an election knowing they’re just making up the numbers🤷

Ewan McQueen ()

@joti2gaza The reality of this poll is that it shows the Scottish Conservatives on course for their strongest ever result and All 4 Unity nowhere to be seen. If pro-UK voters unite behind the Scottish Tories on the peach ballot paper then that is how an SNP majority will be stopped.

RK ()

@Meena_Unity Centre Govt is the only Govt responsible for allocating and distributing oxygen supply in all states of India.If hospitals are running out of oxygen today, have some courage to blame central government#OxygenCrisis

Scratcher #DissolveTheUnion ()

Just watched GG doing PPB for All For Unity. I really hope that a fair amount of unionist vichyidiots vote for them, taking votes from Tory, Lab & Lib dem on the list.

Yvonne McTear 💙🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇮🇪🇮🇹🇪🇺 ()

Well that the All For Unity election broadcast. There was an motley crew of candidates, each one more eccentric than the last including the numpty that is Galloway!

This Dude Right Here Is Totally DIFFERENT! ()

Y’all keep on fighting for unity but they do not want it truly. I want EQUITY! There is a difference! when will we have that conversation? #GeorgeFloyd

L ()

@georgegalloway @Alliance4Unity Watched it, brilliant, there’s not one thing I disagree with, my second vote will definitely be for All For Unity (always has been) wishing you all the best of luck and thank you for providing some hope👍

Stephen ()

that all for unity political broadcast was fucking scarythought Galloway was bad but his back up shouldnt have been shown before the watershed

Eddie McNel ()

All for unity broadcast, started with Ronald and managed to go downhill from there !!

William ()

All for unity broadcast. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Unity Look At Player

Jimmer 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 ()

The fud in a fedora is leading a pack of misfits in the guise of ‘All for Unity’ ‘We need to save our Scotland’ — aye, from the fud in a ferdora.

Trickster Cultural Center ()

To celebrate Earth Day today, Trickster Cultural Center will be hosting Garden Workshops, Community Speakers, and a Unity Fire from sunrise until sunset. All are welcome for this free event! Registration for firekeepers can be found here

Rhia ()

Pissing myself at the all for unity broadcast before realising that it was in fact NOT A SPOOF 😂 this can’t be real, you’re talking about half the country pal

Lynn Marie ()

@GOPChairwoman You just need to stop. The petty bull shit from the GQP just shows how little you really want unity. Biden will reach out & talk but the GQP wants it all THEIR way or NO WAY!! We The People see you all for what you are. Wanna be fascists who tried to overthrow the government!!!

Howardfineman ()

This should be -- and I hope it will be -- a moment of national unity. The multi-racial jury of average citizens quickly came to the conclusion that this kind of behavior will no longer go unseen and unpunished in America. And that is a good thing for all of us. Amen.