Nibiru Orbit

If Nibiru was the Messianic Star, then its last orbital period was certainly over 3700 years, and could be as great as 3784 years (Seneca's red Sirius account from 25 AD is the latest possible date for the appearance of the Messianic Star).

The'Open Ellipse'

In DarkStar13 we looked at the instabilityof the intruder planet's orbit, and how it could be perturbed over time. The computer simulations conducted by Hills simulated the effect on oursolar system of the intrusion of a massive planet or brown dwarf. His findings showed that a 'planet' as big as 10 Jupiter masses would notaffect the stable orbits of the known planets. But the intruder couldfind itself flung out of the solar system, or enter a new, highly eccentricorbit. This elliptical orbit could vary over time as well, and wouldtake the form of an eccentric 'open ellipse'. I proposed that thissituation reflects what may have happened to Nibiru as it was perturbedfrom a great circular orbit several million years ago, and its currenthighly eccentric orbit is also unstable.

This might allow us to explain why Nibiru'sorbital period has become unpredictable over time, and no longer seemsto correlate at all well with the 3600 years described by the Sumerians. If Nibiru was the Messianic Star, then its last orbital period was certainlyover 3700 years, and could be as great as 3784 years (Seneca's red Siriusaccount from 25 AD is the latest possible date for the appearance of theMessianic Star). This would indicate that the orbit of the dark staris slowly becoming larger, and this is in keeping with the idea of the'open ellipse' shape. The Sun is slowly loosening its grip upon thedark star, and Nibiru will eventually cease to reappear in the planetaryzone. This possibility might account for the disappearance of theAnunnaki from our world, given their understandable reluctance to findthemselves stranded here.

When considering these ideas, it is importantto back up these claims with some evidence from the ancient accounts. Even though my studies are still young, the evidence is already comingto hand in the form of quixotic spiral diagrams. The 'open ellipse'and 'screw-shaped' motifs appear to be fairly common, and mystify researchers.


That large body above Aquarius, Nibiru, is estimated to be 2 trillion miles away and orbit the Sun every 5 million years. Discover, Oct 2001, pp 76-78 The Pythagoreans said the revolving planets emitted notes, their pitches being determined by their speed and distance from the Earth. The Search for Infinity. Nibiru, Planet X, Nemesis, The Destroyer, Wormwood, Hercolubus, Comet Typhon - Expected in Year 2021 Is Nibiru real? Does it take Nibiru 3,607 years to complete one orbital journey? As you can imagine, the gravitational effects of a sizable planet moving close to the inner solar system would spell big trouble for planet Earth. Nibiru kept its clockwise orbit equal to 3,600 orbits of Earth around the Sun until 10, 900 B.C.E., when Nibiru arrived earlier. Uranus had drifted away from Solaris and Uranus’ gravity sped Nibiru’s orbit.

We have seen how the Dogon's 'Nommo Star'apparently makes an appearance in the skies of Earth, and how Nibiru'svisible perihelion passage past Sirius allows us to integrate this mythologywith the 12th Planet theory. In Robert Temple's revised 1998 edition ofhis book 'The Sirius Mystery', he includes vortex-like diagrams by a 'neighbouringtribe of the Dogon showing the Earth..with indications of spinning aboveand below'.

As Temple wrote in a foot-note to Appendix VII:


'Theycall it the 'Cosmic Tree'. The Bambara Tribe of Mali, immediate neighboursand cousins of the Dogon, and whose culture is also based upon the secretSirius Mystery knowledge, draw a similar diagram.. This informationwas left out of the original edition of The Sirius Mystery by the publisher,and I have restored it, as I think readers will find it interesting. Like so much which concerns the advanced knowledge preserved by these tribes,it would repay much further and deeper investigation.' (1)

I suspect these vortex-like patterns pertainto the orbit of the Nommo Star from the point of view of Earth, and describethe changes of the 'bond Heaven-Earth'. Was this the explanationgiven to the Dogon as to why their gods had to depart from the Earth?

The Mali tribes have maintained ancientknowledge that has been lost or distorted by more 'mainstream' ancientcultures over time. Thus their drawings and explanations appear tobridge the divide between our modern understanding and the beliefs of theancients.

The past appears to be talking to us directly, and is trulypuzzling. The significance of the dark star's orbit is certainlygreat enough to account for these unusual motifs.

The Dogon are by no means the only ancientpeoples to highlight the significance of the spiral shape. In fact,if Nibiru’s orbital pattern was indeed an open ellipse, signifying a changing,unstable orbit, then such a schematic representation should appear generally. We are not to be disappointed, more so because it is unclear as to whythis particular shape held such importance among diverse cultures:

“We must not overlookthe fact that not only the Sumerians, Akkadians and Chaldeans but also,and much earlier (sic), the wise men of Tiahuanaco, thanks to proceduresof which we know nothing, had grasped that the heavenly path of the starsis an open ellipse, and this knowledge they transferred to their stonedrawings and engravings… For the Chaldeans there was the god who held astaff in his hand, which was a double screw-shaped sceptre, the symbolof fertility and health. In the graves of the Kurgans in southernRussia, one found also screw-shaped tubes and spiral-shaped ear pendants.”(2)

Anotherfamous example is the 'Phaistos Disc' (left), a Cretan relic that dates from about1600BC. It is inscribed with indecipherable ideograms, 'arrangedin a left-handed spiral motif'. To complete the picture, thedisc contains a 'fire-bird', reminiscent of the Phoenix, and the star constellationsof Serpens (aphelion position) and Pisces (Age of last passage), as wellas the Pleiades (or the 7 stars of the Nibiru system?), and the Quaz,'the Egyptian symbol of physical and spiritual strength' (2). Takentogether, we can see how the enigmatic Phaistos Disc can be interpretedby the Dark Star mythology, and how it points us in the direction of anopen ellipse for its orbit.

This unusual motif seems to crop up invarious places in the ancient world, as so many other common factors thatbind the ‘insular’ civilisations of the ancient world together. More modernesoteric knowledge includes similar symbolism, although often denoted byserpents wrapped around trees and the like.

The Winged Disc seems to offer a catalystfor breaking these codes, and understanding the astronomical knowledgeof the ancients.

Invisibles for mac. Red StarMarduk

Through the course of this web-site, I haveexplored the various potential images of the brown dwarf and its moons. The standard image of the 'winged disc', Horus Horakhti, is a stylisedrepresentation of the 12th Planet, known as Nibiru to the Sumerians andMarduk to the Babylonians. The Babylonians described the celestialgod Marduk as a wandering 'red star' in their astrolabe, and this referencedirectly contradicts the opinion of some scholars that Marduk representedJupiter, which is a white planet as it appears from Earth.

It is well known that the Babylonian knowledgeof astronomy was well advanced for its time. Harris cites Babylonianquotations about their god Marduk, and highlights their crystal-clear understandingof the god's astronomical identity (3). The first is from aBabylonian astrolabe:

'The red star,which when the stars of the night are finished, bisects the heavens andstands there whence the south wind comes, this star is the god Nibiru-Marduk'(4)

One might assume that this reference wasto a planet of red colour, which would have to be Mars. But Mardukis in no way connected with Mars, rather with a more 'lordly' planet, generallytaken to mean Jupiter. However, Jupiter clearly appears as a white planet,not a red one. Marduk is not correspondent with Jupiter in any ofthe myths, either. Thus we have an anomalous red star that movesthrough the heavens in an unusual way. The reference is to an earlymorning celestial event, when the Sun would be rising in the east. Yet, Nibiru/Marduk is ‘bisecting the heavens and standing whence the southwind comes’. It thus appears to be off the ecliptic, and low in thesouthern celestial hemisphere, just as I have indicated for the brown dwarf’sperihelion in the planetary solar system.

New Information On Planet X

Brown dwarfs, as recent photos from theHubble Space Telescope indicate, appear red. The Babyloniansincluded a similar reference in a star-list called the “12 stars of Elam,Akkad and Amurru”. Whilst one recognises the importance Sitchin placesupon the 12 ‘planets’, this is a star-list, seemingly differentiating Nibiru/Mardukfrom the known planets, and denoting its star-like properties:

'When the starsof Enlil have disappeared the great faint star, which bisects the heavensand stands, is Marduk-Nibiru SAG.ME.GAR; he (the god) changes his position and wanders over the heavens.”(4)

One must ask oneself what the Babylonianswere referring to when describing a ‘great faint star’. This appearsto be a contradiction in terms, until one understands the orbital propertiesof Nibiru. This ‘planet’, or brown dwarf as I have proposed, cannotbe seen for the vast majority of its long motion around the Sun. Yet it is the ‘Lord’ of the ancient world in Mesopotamia, the very sourceof their gods. As it first becomes visible, moving from the GreatBear through Cancer, it is quite faint. It is not until it arrivesat the Duat that its countenance can be properly appreciated, and its moonsbecome visible to observers on Earth. Its greatness was praised overall other cosmic objects, including the Sun. In this context, thequote readily makes sense. Marduk's wanderings through the lands has acelestial counterpart, in the same way that Bauval has shown thatthe Pyramids at Giza have a celestial counterpart in the skies, in thebelt of Orion (5). Sitchin quotes the account of the wanderings ofMarduk:

'O greatgods, learn my secrets
as I girdle mybelt, my memories recall.
I am the divineMarduk, a great god.
I was cast offfor my sins,
to the mountainsI have gone.
In many landsI have been a wanderer;
From where theSun rises to where it sets I went.' (6)

Marduk's inclusion of the secrets of the'belt', and wandering through the mountains indicate the celestial equivalentof the Pyramids of Giza, in much the same way as Bauval's interpretation. The red star Marduk thus wandered through the heavens, through the beltof Orion, and the Pyramids stand testament to that celestial phenomenon. Sitchin also quotes scholars who draw parallels between the god Mardukand the Christ figure, particularly bearing in mind Marduks' entombmentand 'subsequent reappearance to become the dominant deity' (4). Buthe seems less than keen to explore this idea in detail. However,it is clear to me that the Messianic tradition is fundamentally relatedto the advent of Christianity, although the message of that religion hasbeen drastically altered since the 1st Century A.D.

The HebrewStar

Evidence that the Christian message originatedfrom a celestial phenomenon can be found in Apocryphal texts that wereexcluded from the New Testament, as well as Old Testament prophecies andsome of the Dead Sea Scrolls. This passage contains a stirring descriptionof the anomalous ‘star’, and the effect that it had on those gazing uponit, and one wonders whether this description is of the same phenomenonnoted by Seneca:

'How then wasour Saviour manifested to the world? A star shone in heaven beyond allthe other stars, and its light was inexpressible, and its novelty struckterror into men's minds. All the rest of the stars, together with the sunand moon, were the chorus to this star; but that sent out its light exceedinglyabove them all. And men began to be troubled to think whence this new starcame, so unlike to all the others.'

Theappearance of Nibiru and its 7 moons would indeed have struck fear intothe hearts of men, particularly given the association of this ‘star’ withcalamities in the past. During the Messianic Era, Nibiru, a brilliantred dark star, with a contingent of visible moons, appeared in the skyclose to Sirius, as it progressed through perihelion in the Duat (DarkStar8).

Nibiru Arrival Date Confirmed Nasa

It seems to have appeared at the wrong time of year for the peopleof that time to have observed it’s full movement across the heavens (probablyduring Spring when Sirius begins to dip below the horizon), but its briefappearance during the Messianic Era was enough to fuel great excitementregarding the imminent appearance of the Messiah.
The belief in a Rising King connected withthe appearance of a star had roots in Messiah prophecies in the Old Testament. The first of these was the ‘star prophecy’ in Numbers, in the oracle ofBalaam:

“I see him, butnot now;
I behold him,but not near;
A star shallcome forth out of Jacob,
A comet shallarise from Israel.
He shall smitethe squadrons of Moab,
and beat downthe sons of strife.” Numbers 24: 17

Thisfamous prophecy describes a hidden star that is also a comet, and optimisticallydescribes how its future arrival will bring woe upon the enemies of Israel. Baigent and Leigh make use of a slightly different translation for thispassage from Numbers, and show how this celestial phenomenon becomes thefigure of Christ:

Teamviewer for mac install. “The advent ofthe ‘Messiah’ is stated as having been prophesied in Numbers 24:17, whereit is said that ‘a star from Jacob takes the leadership, a sceptre arisesfrom Israel’. The ‘Star’ thus becomes a sobriquet for the ‘Messiah’,the regal warrior priest-king who will lead the forces of Israel to triumph.” (7)

The second prophecy is in the last bookof the Old Testament, Malachi, regarding a “sun of righteousness”:

“The day comes,glowing like a furnace; all the arrogant and the evildoers shall be chaff,and that day when it comes shall set them ablaze, says the Lord of Hosts,it shall leave them neither root nor branch. But for you who fear my name,the sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in his wings, and youshall break loose like calves released from the stall.” Malachi 3: 1-2

Ofinterest to us is the discussion of the 'wings' of the Sun of Righteousness,a quote that seems to directly refer to the Winged Disc (11). This passagedescribes the coming Armageddon , and the resurrection of the righteousthrough the advent of this 'Winged Sun'.

These messianic prophecieshave clear celestial overtones which are in keeping with the appearanceof a Messianic Star. Baigent and Leigh have shown that the Dead SeaScrolls contain references to a Messiah figure known to the Qumran community(5).

The Roman Catholic Church has been embarrassed by theapparently generalised belief in a Christ-like figure at that time.A review of the so-called Qumran ‘War Scroll’ indicates that the Messianicfigure was warrior-like, and would deliver the Hebrew people fromtheir Roman oppressors. Regarding the connection of a ‘Star’ and the Messianicwarrior priest-king, Baigent and Leigh make this point:

“As Robert Eisenmanhas stressed, this prophecy linking the Messiah figure with the image ofthe star occurs elsewhere in the Qumran literature, and is of crucial importance.It is also significant that the same prophecy is cited by sources quiteindependent of both Qumran and the New Testament – by historians and chroniclersof 1st-century Rome, for example, such as Josephus, Tacitus and Suetonius.”(7)

It is interesting to note the referencesto the military stance of the ‘Messiah’, and the arrangement of his ‘troops',given in the ‘War Scroll’ of the Qumran community:

“Seven troopsof horsemen shall also station themselves to right and to left of the formation;their troops shall stand on this side…” (7)

This helps to explains the significanceof the seven stars in Hebrew symbolism, which appears in the image of theearly Christian 'Talisman of Orpheus' (DarkStar9). That this referencecomes from one of the Dead Sea Scrolls, documents that have not been tamperedwith down the ages, makes it potentially significant in our quest to uncoverthe true nature of the Messianic Star. Finally, here is a quote forman apocryphal text that cites the knowledge Jesus had about astronomy:

A red 'Flying Saucer' at thecrucifixion, or a pictoral representation of the Messianic Winged Disc?(9)
When a certainastronomer, who was present, asked the Lord Jesus, whether or not he hadstudied astronomy? The Lord Jesus replied, and told him the number of thespheres of the heavenly bodies, as also their triangular, square, & sextile aspect; their progressive & retrograde motion; their size &severa, prognastictions; & other things which the reason of Man hadnever discovered..”(8)

One must ask, which of the 'spheres ofthe heavenly bodies' was retrograde? Certainly none of the knownones, although Mars is sometimes seen to 'backtrack' under certain conditions.

But the allusion to 'other things whichthe reason of Man had never discovered' indicates that Jesus was privyto secret knowledge, and one wonders whether the retrograde motion of ananomalous celestial object was thus central to his teaching. If Nibiruwas the Messianic Star, then this was almost certainly the case, and theteachings of Early Christianity had very ancient allegorical meaning attachedto them.

Taken together, the above textual quotesfrom Hebrew literature build up a picture of the importance of a hidden,winged 'sun' to the Messianic tradition, and how this celestial apparitionis central to the belief in the coming Apocalypse and resurrection of Christians. I propose that these concepts are inherently connected with the ancientknowledge of the brown dwarf Nibiru, and the gods that created Mankind.

Written by AndyLloyd, author of 'The Dark Star' (2005), 'Ezekiel One' (2009), 'The Followers of Horus' (2010) and 'Darker Stars' (2018)

© 16th February 2001


1) R. Temple 'The Sirius Mystery' Appendix VII, pp394-6, Century, Revised Ed. 1998
2) P.Kolosimo “Timeless Earth” pp176, 226-7 Sphere 1974
3) J.Harris “The Star of Bethlehem and Babylon” 1996
4) B.Van der Waerden “Science Awakening II” pp66-68 OxfordUniversity Press 1974
5) R.Bauval 'The Orion Mystery' Mandarin 1995
6) Z.Sitchin 'When Time Began' p334, 356 Avon 1993
7) M.Baigent & R. Leigh 'The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception' pp213-4 Corgi1991
8) 'Serp' <>
“Nibiru” quoting; “The Lost Books Of The Bible” Gramercy Books
9) 'HistoricalArtwork & UFO's' Matthew Hurley
10) O.Hagen 'The Minoan Calendar'

11) A correspondent named Daniel Baggett points out the following regarding Hebrew textual quotations: 'For centuries the 'Christian church' has attempted to understand HEBREW Scriptures from a Western-Greek mindset [All non-Hebrews suffer from this malady]. One cannot understand the Scriptures by doing so. The Scriptures were written by HEBREWS to HEBREWS and use what is called Hebraisms..sayings which mean something other than what is read/said. For instance in your above referenced quote from Malachi chapter 3 it is well known among Hebrews that the 'wings' mentioned referred to the corners of the Hebrew tallit..a prayer shawl. The woman with the issue of blood which we read about in Mark chapter 5 knew the Tanak/Old Testament. Specifically the prophecy of Malachi 3, and knew also that if this was the promised Messiah i.e. the 'sun of righteousness' then she would be healed when she touched his 'wings'! The 'sun of righteousness' is a reference to Messiah. 'A day with the Master/Lord is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as a day': It was in the 4th day of creation [Genesis chapter 1] (fourth 1,000 year period of man) when the 'sun' (Messiah) appeared. Messiah had to appear/be born in the 4,000th year period to qualify as the Saviour of all Israel. Also, in prophecy the foretold events are very often NOT in chronological order. YHVH often interspersed far future events right in the middle of what was being prophesied for immediate fulfilment.' August 2008