Logic Pro Guitar Effects

I'm having a little bit of trouble understanding the signal chain..the best advice I've seen here is 'use your ears' and 'try it yourself,' which I've been doing, and noticing some slight effects, but I want to understand the signal chain a little bit more in theory..for instance, what are some examples of a chain to get a certain effect? I've read that noise gates should always go before compressors, but other than that, I really don't know what other effects I can achieve by moving around the signal chain. I've switched EQ's and compressors around and noticed a slight difference in sound, but I really can't put my finger on. Can anyone elaborate or give me some examples of common practice with altering signal changes?


A tutorial on a must have Guitar Preset VST ' Tonebridge 'in Logic Pro X. Its free and easy to use. You can use this app on your iPhone iPad and your laptop. Comprehensive Apple documentation for Logic Pro 9 Effects Help Library - Comprehensive documentation for Apple's professional applications. Browse the documentation, search for help topics, or click links to additional resources and information. Out of the box Logic Pro X is one of the most feature rich DAWs on the market in terms of content, plug-ins and effects. Shipping with over 18 virtual instru. Ever wanted to turn your vocals into a Loud Electric Guitar? This is the tutorial for you! Enjoy!My Newest Song: https://soundcloud.com/evan-helbling/aint-se. Delving a touch deeper, guitar players will quickly notice that the latest version of GarageBand also includes both the Amp Designer and the Pedalboard (options for amp simulation & guitar effects) that were previously only available in Logic Pro.

Logic Pro Guitar EffectsThanks. Logic


I am hoping someone can help me. I have my guitar routed into Input 2 in Logic Pro X.


I loaded an amp from the Library of amps. For example, right now, I have loaded the Amazing Tweed .


The problem is, when I record or play the guitar, I cannot hear it going through the amp. Netcat for mac os. In other words, I can't hear the processed sound. When I play back something I recorded, I hear the processed sound.

How do i hear the amp as I am recording? All I am hearing is a clean unprocessed sound when I play, which ***** because I'd like to hear the amp I'm using.


Logic Pro X

Guitar Logic Lessons

Posted on Oct 26, 2018 4:39 PM