Apache Mod_rewrite Http To Https

Force Redirect HTTP to HTTPS in Apache – Many of sites required to always running with SSL only. And we need to ensure that every user must access the website through SSL. If any user tried to access the website with non-ssl URL, He must be a redirect to SSL website. This tutorial will help you to redirect website to SSL URL each time using Apache mod_rewrite module.

  • Feb 20, 2010 Apache’s modrewrite makes it easy to require SSL to be used on your site and to gently redirect users who forget to add the https when typing the URL. Using Apache to redirect http to https will make sure that your site (or a part of it) will only be accessed by your customers using SSL.
  • Apr 16, 2021 HTTP connections can be redirected to HTTPS using the apache modrewrite module. Modrewrite should be available in every apache installation. Apache HTTP to HTTPS Redirect. Create a file with the name.htaccess in the website root directory which contains the following lines.
Apache 2.4 redirect http to https mod_rewrite

Option 1 – Redirect HTTP to HTTPS

Apache redirect http to https using mod_rewrite

Edit website VirtualHost in Apache configuration file and add the following options. Change www.example.com with your actual domain name.

Option 2 – Redirect HTTP to HTTPS

Apache Mod_rewrite Http To Https Google


Edit website VirtualHost in Apache configuration file and add the following settings. You may also add the same settings in .htaccess file under document root of your website.

If you want to redirect specific URL to https. Use following settings. For example, if anyone tried to access the always-secure.html file on the website. The user must have to access URL with SSL.


Apache Mod_rewrite Http To Https Yahoo

The optimal http(s) redirect also cross-checks the port number to ensure that anything using 80 is http and anything on 443 is https. There are earlier threads on this subject, but it isn't one of the Top Ten Questions Asked Day In And Day Out:: realizing after-the-fact that I could have just typed that as-is and then used Title Case function.